Success Stories

For over a decade, Hunter Homes and Shelters have been used to provide safe and secure shelter for people around the world. Listed here are just a few of our success stories.   

Assisting Haiti after the Devastating 2010 Earthquake

On January 12th 2010 like so many other people worldwide we watched in shock as the news of a devastating earthquake in Haiti flashed across the television screen. The Hunter Homes and Shelters team was able to provide structures for temporary housing, schools, medical facilities, and other key support functions required to help Haitians stay safe and recover.

Helping a Long Island, NY Veteran and Family after Superstorm Sandy

Gulf War Veteran Bruce Babbington’s Long Island, NY home was declared uninhabitable after Superstorm Sandy. With the help of a United Way Grant, a Hunter home was quickly built on his property to provide immediate shelter for Bruce and his two children. It was equipped with a STAR Solar Power Generator, allowing them to return to safety and comfort while their home was being rebuilt.

Shinnecock Nation, NY, Housing Challenges

In order to help people without homes have a safe place to live, several Hunter Homes and Shelters single bedroom units have been built on the Shinnecock Nation’s lands.